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[♡nLine] 吉祥新春欢庆法会 - 普佛献供,牛年鸿运吉星照

  • BW Monastery No. 1 Woodlands Drive 16, Singapore 737764 Singapore Singapore (map)


在《地藏经》称佛名号品第九 中說到: 「但念得一佛名号,功德无量,何况多名。」意思是只要称念一佛名号,功德无量无边,更何况称念多佛名号。因此,在这新的一年开始之际,且让我们依88佛忏法念诵多佛名号,培德培福,欢欢喜喜迎接新年,过个万事如意平安年。

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The 88 Buddhas Repentance is the most common and important text and practice upheld in the monastery’s Pujas. The text comprises of the 53 Buddhas’ name from the King of Medicine and the Superior Physician sutra, and the 35 Buddhas’ name from the Sutra of the Heap of Jewels.

It is mentioned in chapter 9 of the Sutra of Ksitigarbha on recitation of the Buddhas’ name that, by reciting one Buddha’s name, the merits are already immeasurable, let alone reciting more Buddhas’ name. Hence, if one can follow the 88 Buddhas Repentance practice and recite the Buddhas’ name, the merits are inconceivable. With utmost sincerity in repenting, one’s proper faith will arise, eliminating non-virtuous deeds, free from miserable realms rebirth, and increase in bliss and wisdom till attaining Buddhahood.

Hence, at the beginning of the new year, let's recite the 88 Buddhas' name to accumulate virtues and bliss, welcome the new year with great joy, for a safe year with all wishes fulfilled.

7 February

[♡nLine] 大悲忏法会

12 February

[♡nLine] OX-picious 2021: Visit BWM with our Bodhi Warriors